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Купить книгу Инструменты бережливого производства II: Карманное руководство по практике применения Lean, автора Майкла Вейдера
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Инструменты бережливого производства II: Карманное руководство по практике применения Lean
Книга о тонкостях концепции ЛИН, благодаря которой возможно сокращение затрат на производство, перепроизводство, долгое ожидание готовой продукции и многих других скрытых потерь.
Купить книгу Социальная организация: Как с помощью социальных медиа задействовать коллективный разум ваших клиентов и сотрудников, автора Энтони Брэдли
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Социальная организация: Как с помощью социальных медиа задействовать коллективный разум ваших клиентов и сотрудников
Книга о том, как освоить организацию социальных медиа для ускорения прогресса вашей компании и увеличения ее шансов на успех. Внедрить новые технологии легко. Использовать их в рамках массового сотрудничества внутри компании и за ее пределами гораздо сложнее. О том, как при этом не ошибиться и задать верное направление бизнесу, расскажет книга Брэдли и Макдоналда.
Купить книгу Родео на Wall Street: Как трейдеры-ковбои устроили крупнейший в истории крах хедж-фондов, автора Барбары Дрейфус
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Родео на Wall Street: Как трейдеры-ковбои устроили крупнейший в истории крах хедж-фондов
Книга о крахе крупнейшего хедж-фонда Amaranth Advisors LLC, которому основатель Ник Маунис прочил не просто долгую жизнь, а бессмертие. О том, как жадность и тщеславие перевешивают разумные начинания и приводят к полнейшему фиаско.
Купить книгу Не верьте цифрам! Размышления о заблуждениях инвесторов, капитализме, «взаимных» фондах, индексном инвестировании, предпринимательстве, идеализме и героях, автора Джона Богла
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Не верьте цифрам! Размышления о заблуждениях инвесторов, капитализме, «взаимных» фондах, индексном инвестировании, предпринимательстве, идеализме и героях
Эта книга представляет собой антологию последних статей и выступлений на темы, больше всего волнующие автора: непомерная стоимость услуг финансовых посредников; постыдное несоблюдение компаниями своих фидуциарных обязательств; удручающее торжество эмоций над трезвым разумом в очень многих инвестиционных решениях и как результат – победа спекуляций над инвестированием.
Купить книгу Корпоративное племя. Чему антрополог может научить топ-менеджера, автора Даниэля Брауна
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Корпоративное племя. Чему антрополог может научить топ-менеджера
«Однажды… а именно так на протяжении веков начинаются „истории у костра“, рассказываемые нашими предками… Однажды на стратегической сессии (которую вел один из авторов предисловия) в крупной финансовой организации глава компании задал вопрос: „Почему они, ключевые менеджеры предприятия, не проявляют инициативу, не высказывают своего мнения? Мы стоим на пороге очень важных преобразований, они могли бы заработать и статус, и деньги, если бы спроектировали, а тем более возглавили эти изменения“.
Купить книгу The Handbook of Financial Instruments, автора
The Handbook of Financial Instruments
An investor's guide to understanding and using financial instruments The Handbook of Financial Instruments provides comprehensive coverage of a broad range of financial instruments, including equities, bonds (asset-backed and mortgage-backed securities), derivatives (equity and fixed income), insurance investment products, mutual funds, alternative investments (hedge funds and private equity), and exchange traded funds. The Handbook of Financial Instruments explores the basic features of each instrument introduced, explains their risk characteristics, and examines the markets in which they trade. Written by experts in their respective fields, this book arms individual investors and institutional investors alike with the knowledge to choose and effectively use any financial instrument available in the market today. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. is proud to be the publisher of the esteemed Frank J. Fabozzi Series. Comprising nearly 100 titles-which include numerous bestsellers—The Frank J. Fabozzi Series is a key resource for finance professionals and academics, strategists and students, and investors. The series is overseen by its eponymous editor, whose expert instruction and presentation of new ideas have been at the forefront of financial publishing for over twenty years. His successful career has provided him with the knowledge, insight, and advice that has led to this comprehensive series. Frank J. Fabozzi, PhD, CFA, CPA, is Editor of the Journal of Portfolio Management, which is read by thousands of institutional investors, as well as editor or author of over 100 books on finance for the professional and academic markets. Currently, Dr. Fabozzi is an adjunct Professor of Finance at Yale University's School of Management and on the board of directors of the Guardian Life family of funds and the Black Rock complex of funds.
Купить книгу Complexity, Risk, and Financial Markets, автора
Complexity, Risk, and Financial Markets
A groundbreaking look at complexity theory and its implications in the world of finance Complexity theory tells us that processes with a large number of seemingly independent agents-such as free markets-can spontaneously organize themselves into a coherent system. In this fascinating book, Edgar Peters brings together scientific theory, the artistic process, and economics to show how the randomness and uncertainty of complexity theory can be applied to financial markets. Written in an engaging and accessible style, this is a thoughtful, conceptual look at the way free markets are, by their nature, continually evolving complex systems. Expanding on previous explorations of chaos theory, Peters draws on real-life examples ranging from the Asian crisis to America's love of conspiracy to show that complexity and randomness are necessary for the free markets to operate in a competitive manner.
Купить книгу Leadership Divided. What Emerging Leaders Need and What You Might Be Missing, автора
Leadership Divided. What Emerging Leaders Need and What You Might Be Missing
How senior leaders can re-connect to the emerging leaders hidden in their organizations A sea change has taken place throughout the culture of leadership; today’s emerging leaders are «opting out» of the same positions their predecessors coveted in years past. But many senior managers trained in traditional leadership still hang onto outdated approaches of command and control despite how much they’ve heard about «empowerment» and inclusion. At the core of this book is the fictional suspense story of Brookreme Corporation, whose leaders are challenged to chart a course to a global future, navigating relational land mines along the way. With both story telling and hard research, Leadership Divided reconnects generations and instructs both senior and emerging leaders on how the relationships of the future will be the path to revolutionary performance. Ron A. Carucci (Seattle, WA) is a founding partner with Passages Consulting, LLC, where he works with CEOs and senior executives in pursuit of profound organizational change and executive leadership capability. He is Graduate Professor of Leadership at Mars Hill Graduate School in Seattle. He is also faculty member at Fordham University, serving as Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior, and has served as an adjunct at the Center for Creative Leadership. His clients have included Edward Jones Investments, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Amgen, McDonald’s, PepsiCo, Gates Corporation, Accenture, and many others.
Купить книгу Rain. What a Paperboy Learned About Business, автора
Rain. What a Paperboy Learned About Business
RAIN is the first business parable written by bestselling business book author Jeffrey J. Fox. The parable follows a young New England paperboy, named Rain, as he learns the business of being in business and quickly becomes the best paperboy in town. Through a series of humorous poignant vignettes, Jeff illustrates forty «rainmaker» business lessons that can be applied to not only paperboys, but anyone in business and sales. Rain's time as a paperboy proves to be just as valuable as getting an MBA. As with Jossey-Bass' popular Lencioni business fables, the format for Rain includes an actionable business model at the end of the book with instant takeaways and practical advice.
Купить книгу China CEO. Voices of Experience from 20 International Business Leaders, автора
China CEO. Voices of Experience from 20 International Business Leaders
CHINA CEO: Voices of Experience From 20 International Business Leaders is based on interviews with 20 top executives and eight experienced consultants based in China. The book is packed with first-hand, front-line advice from veterans of the China market. Hear directly from the top executives heading up the China operations of Bayer, British Petroleum, Coca-Cola, General Electric, General Motors, Philips, Microsoft, Siemens, Sony and Unilever, plus expert China-based consultants at Boston Consulting Group, Korn/Ferry International, McKinsey & Company, and many more. Each chapter provides practical tips and easy to grasp models that will help new managers in China to be effective. In CHINA CEO, we deliver what other Western authors can't – first-hand reflections based on over 100 years' collective experience in China. The book presents this rich knowledge in a readable, conversational style suitable for time-constrained executives. Each chapter gives specific advice on how to manage Chinese employees, work with Chinese business partners, communicate with headquarters, face competitors, battle intellectual property rights infringers, win-over Chinese consumers, negotiate with the Chinese government, and adapt yourself (and your family) to life in China.
Купить книгу Entries and Exits. Visits to Sixteen Trading Rooms, автора Alexander  Elder
Entries and Exits. Visits to Sixteen Trading Rooms
Come behind closed doors and see real trades made by real traders. Dr. Alexander Elder leads you into 16 trading rooms where you meet traders who open up their diaries and show you their trades. Some of them manage money, others trade for themselves; some trade for a living, others are on the semi-professional level. All are totally serious and honest in sharing their trades with those who would like to learn. You will meet American and international traders who trade stocks, futures, and options using a variety of methods. All are normally very private, but now, thanks to their relationships with Dr. Elder, you can see exactly how these traders decide to enter and exit trades. Each chapter illustrates an entry and an exit for two trades, with comments by Dr. Elder. With this book as your guide, you can get closer to mastering the key themes of trading—psychology, tactics, risk control, record keeping, and the decision-making process. The companion Study Guide is filled with striking insights and practical advice allowing you to test your knowledge and reinforce the principles outlined in Entries & Exits.
Купить книгу Practical Negotiating. Tools, Tactics & Techniques, автора Tom  Gosselin
Practical Negotiating. Tools, Tactics & Techniques
Praise for Practical Negotiating: Tools, Tactics & Techniques «Practical Negotiating is an innovative, resourceful, and-as its name implies-practical guide to the art and science of negotiating. Unlike many books on negotiating, which are filled with theories and anecdotes, this one is rich with examples, tactics, and tips, which makes it the indispensable book when you are going into any negotiation.» —Terry R. Bacon, President, Lore International Institute and author of What People Want: A Manager's Guide to Building Relationships That Work «There is something in this book for the most experienced negotiator and the novice. Gosselin's no-nonsense prescriptions and recommendations will hit home and give you new ideas for the most difficult of negotiating situations. Anyone in the business world will want this great bible of?effective negotiating right near their desk and phone!» —Dr. Beverly Kaye, CEO and founder, Career Systems International and coauthor of Love' Em or Lose'Em: Getting Good People to Stay «Gosselin has written a thoughtful, engaging, and practical guide on a topic of increasing importance to leaders and organizations. There is something here for anyone who wants to learn how to deal more effectively with the inevitable conflicts that occur in working with clients, customers, and colleagues.» —Peter Cairo, PhD, Partner, Mercer Delta Consulting and coauthor of Why CEOs Fail: The 17 Behaviors That Can Derail Your Climb to the Top and How to Manage Them «Forget the image of negotiation being a battlefield.?Gosselin guides you in the development of a road map so both sides become winners and leave the table victorious. His writing is just like his training-clear, concise, and practical. You can apply the process immediately. A handbook for life, it's practical, thoughtful, and insightful.» —Steven Myers, Manager, Lighting Education and Sales Training, Philips Lighting Company «Skip the workshops and buy Practical Negotiating. After field-testing the content through decades of experience, Gosselin has packed this useful book with processes that work and great questions and worksheets that force the material to become real and personal. Practical Negotiating will change your thinking about negotiating, and more importantly, will change your behavior. Highly recommended.» —Steve Hopkins, Publisher, Executive Times «Gosselin is a most articulate and engaging businessman, and this, coupled with a keen intellect and sharp observation of behavior (and a great sense of humor!) make this a must-read. His deep understanding of effective models of negotiation and their practical application make him one of the leaders in this field.» —Keith G. Slater, former director of International Development, Ingersoll Rand «This book is aptly titled as it provides the practical 'how to' for planning and executing effective negotiations. It's rich with examples, exercises, and reusable tools.» —Dr. Rita Smith, Dean, Ingersoll Rand University